
Building a Stronger, Fairer Economy

The 2024 Democratic platform asserts that the economy is failing to serve the American people, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic setbacks under the Trump Administration. Democrats aim to address inequities and build a new economic contract that prioritizes working families and supports middle-class prosperity.

Key Initiatives Include:

  1. Raising Wages and Protecting Workers’ Rights: Democrats plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026 and will focus on strengthening labor unions and workers’ rights. This includes protections against unjust practices by employers and enhancing the ability of workers to organize.
  2. Robust Work-Family Policies: Democrats will implement paid family and medical leave, along with guaranteed paid sick days to support working families. Investments will also be made in affordable childcare and services for seniors and individuals with disabilities.
  3. Job Creation and Infrastructure Investment: The platform calls for significant federal investments in clean energy, infrastructure, and small businesses to create good-paying jobs. This includes modernizing transportation systems, improving water infrastructure, and closing the digital divide.
  4. Housing and Homelessness Solutions: Democrats commit to increasing affordable housing supply and ensuring that no American is homeless. This includes expanding Section 8 benefits and investing in public housing.
  5. Tax Reforms for Equity: The tax code will be reformed to benefit working families rather than corporations and the wealthy. Democrats support closing tax loopholes and ensuring that the rich pay their fair share.
  6. Ending Poverty: By raising the minimum wage, expanding affordable housing, and enhancing access to healthcare, Democrats aim to lift millions out of poverty.
  7. Consumer Rights Protection:  The platform includes commitments to uphold consumer rights, particularly in the realm of financial services, ensuring that consumers can advocate for fair treatment and protecting their privacy.
  8. Addressing Corporate Concentration:  Democrats will scrutinize corporate mergers to prevent monopolies that harm consumers and workers, ensuring fair competition in the marketplace.
  9. Retirement Security: Democrats plan to strengthen Social Security and support retirement benefits, ensuring that all Americans can retire with dignity.

Through these comprehensive initiatives, Democrats aim to create an equitable economy that serves all Americans, promotes shared prosperity, and addresses long-standing issues of inequality.